The Story so Far
The Condominium Act, 1998 (Act) is the law that regulates the creation, purchasing, living in, and governing of condominiums in Ontario.
Essentially, it is the yes & no of Condos.
What is Changing?
As of January 1st, 2022, the Act has expanded the jurisdiction of the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) for dealing with disputes involving nuisances, annoyances, and disruptions, including (but not limited to):
- Odour
- Smoke
- Vapour
- Light
- Vibration
Anything Else We Should Know?
These new changes will reduce costly and time-consuming proceedings caused by mediation, arbitration, or courts, at the owners’ expense.
Applications for condominium-related disputes can be found through the CAT’s online portal and dispute resolution services are offered at a total cost of $200.
Written by: Nathaniel Chim, Realtor on 01/19/22
Post Views: 1,327